Tuesday, May 05, 2009


This is what I saw when I was backing out of the driveway yesterday morning. I had to take a picture as they are all in bloom at the same time. I love lilacs not sure what the tree is a flowering crab apple maybe?? and the darker pink one is I think honeysuckle?? If anyone reading this can identify please let me know. I'm not much of a gardener and have never lived anywhere that was landscaped professionally like this new house obviously was.
Even Zoe is enjoying her new lawn. She is all worn out in this picture. Lil Dude runs her ragged. She loves ever minute of it. The minute he is in bed she climbs to "her spot" on the couch and passes out, until I get up and go to bed. Then she follows me. On a rare occasion she just goes to bed on her own. She is so good it's hard to believe she is only 9 months old.

We finally have the storage unit completely empty and mostly gone thru and put away. We have a good amount for the garage sale and my "craft room" looks like a bomb went off. I will take pictures to prove it.

On the needles I have a shawl/wrap for mom. I started a similar one for her a year ago and got frustrated. This time is was frustrating but I think I've worked thru it. I also went up a needle size. Recently finished a lapghan for Sara Smiles Project from left over baby yarn. It's from Connor's blanket so it's not baby colors. I like the way it turned out. Crochet lapghans go so much faster. I really need to get back into that. Hard with summer coming tho. Gets too hot to have a big blanket on your lap. Made a few dishcloths for the new house and a swiffer cover it kinda works on my laminate floors. I think I need to make a thinner one too tho.