Monday, February 18, 2008

Baby Car #2

This is our new car. We picked it up at my lunch hour today. Lil Dude used to call my Neon Mommy Sue's Baby Car. ( I called it that so he just thought that was the name) We have been debating for a while moving closer to my office. Unfortunately with the mortgage situation and we still have 1 1/2 years till DSS gets out of high school, moving just isn't in the cards for awhile. Also DH business may be expanding east of where we live so moving just isn't a good option at this point. So we started looking for a more economical car (like the old Neon) The old Taurus wasn't very good on gas and was starting to require more frequent trips to be serviced. So we opted for the new car :). I'm thrilled and can't wait to get out of work to drive it home.


SimplyMe said...

I like it, Sue. I like it!!! I'm all about smaller gas efficient cars too. Enjoy your new wheels!

suzyknits said...

Thanks I love it.

Pennie said...

nice . . . we will have to take a ride of the LYS for a test drive! Hope to do something soooon . . . . how was LAS VEGAS?????????