Thursday, April 17, 2008

Baseball has begun!

My older children never got into sports. Sure they rode bikes and skateboarded and rollerbladed but not organized sports. We signed them up the year we moved to Ottawa and had to pull them out once we realized we were moving in the middle of the season. No more - lil dude has officially started in Little League. DH and I looked at the schedule and thought that is all we are going to do for the next 2 months! I really don't mind. It gets us out of the house...away from the TV and doing something. I met some really nice moms who were very welcoming to me - they all know each other from school and last year. Their boys are a year older than lil dude and he goes to the one school that is split. Most of the kids live on the norht side of the river we are some of the rare ones from the southside. So naturally most of the kids on his team go to the southside school that we are about 6 blocks away from going to. I was nervous going thinking I would be the "Old Lady". Come to find out I fit right in. It seems that they are about my age. That was a great surprise. We also talked about walking the circle at the park where practice is held. I guess my knitting time is going to be interrupted. Oh well maybe at the games?!? Keep you posted and hoping to have pictures soon.

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