Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Addition to the Household.

This sleeping ball of fur is our new puppy Zoe. We aren't "supposed" to have pets but we are planning to move next summer and I thought why not - our neighbors have had a dog for 3 years and I gave up my Lab/Sheperd mix Diamond to move in here!!

She is my anniversary present from my honey. He wasn't as crazy about her after our first night. (She had us up every 2 hours) She has completely stolen his heart since then. Her wagging tail and big kisses did him in. We also know he likes blonds :) She also slept thru the night last night, WOOHOO from me on that one!!

I'm working on a pattern for a "bone" that is perfect for puppy teeth. I hope to have that on here later.


Aunt Kathy said...

Zoe a cutie for sure. Happy Anniversary.

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I thought I'd go insane the last time I raised a puppy. I almost gave him back to the breeder, but it was too late. I'd already fallen madly in love with him! They can be just as bad as babies, can't they? CUTE!!!!