Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Not Broken!!

I waited to post this. I was in alot of pain after arriving home yesterday. I had 3 doctors poking and prodding and I had to try to put weight on my foot.

I started off at my doctor. She unwrapped my foot and didn't like the way it looked so she called the Ortho doctor who's office was right upstairs. We got in a couple of hours later and they determined it wasn't broken just a bad sprain. So I got a lovely boot. I feel like frankenstein. Yes, they are that fashionable. I will hopefully be able to post photos soon. The boot is very cushioned and I am to try to bear some weight on it. If it is really painful I don't need to but I need to gradually try to walk with it without the crutches.

I'm off work the rest of this week. I go back on Monday if I'm able to get up stairs comfortably. Yes, I sit on my butt most of the day at a desk but we have 5 stairs leading into the office that I will need to get up. I'm glad I have time to get used to all of this. I have yet to figure out how to take a shower. I have also decided to take a major portion of my hair off! I know it took me a long time to grow it out but the length and the inability to do anything with it is really getting old. Miss having a style to it. I want to go with something that will work with my curl, so I don't have to fight it. Then ends need to be cut off they are getting fried looking.

Well going to get back to my knitting. Hope to post pictures later today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well for goodness sake!!

This is not a good time of year to have to limp! I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I have a friend who broke her leg last fall, and who is just now able to walk again - what a huge pain! Yours certainly won't take as long to heal if it's not broken.

I fight that curly hair, too. It's not curly enough to look good left alone, so I have to fuss with it and I HATE THAT!! I understand!

Feel better...