Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wow best Tuesday on record!!

I have to state the sad news before we get to the good stuff. "Fleas" pictured above is allergic to fleas. Aunt Diane let the mother in law know about this sad fact. I hope she is doing better, since getting treated by the vet for her condition. :( I miss my baby girl.

Now for the Good Stuff. The hubby was expecting a call from his new employer. He got the job everything looks good. He starts next monday!!! He is bouncing off the walls. This is a job he has been hoping and waiting for - for just over a year now. It is one of the best places in town to work. The turnover rate is extremely low - most people just retire they don't leave. So he is pumped and so am I. This will mean we can seriously start saving and looking for a house next year. Things around the house will change. Saddest of all is I probably won't have near as much time to knit now.

Other good things. Lil dude is signed up for school. Only down side is the first day he only goes for an hour. I will have to take the morning off of work to take him. I guess it's kind of a meet the teacher thing. It is so hard for me to believe I have to go thru the school thing all over again. My baby graduated from HS in June. Having inherited a lil guy means school for another 13 years!! YIKES. I said something at registration and one of the women said I didn't look old enough to have one that graduated from HS. I wanted to kiss JK but I did like the compliment. :) I told her I have one turning 22 this fall and she was amazed. Maybe it was just an act but I'll take the compliment anyway.

We also had a nice dinner with my p's. They are head north to Alaska today and were so excited. They looked so cute. I hope they enjoy and take lots of pictures!! I didn't dare ask dad if he figured out the video camera. Been a sore spot with him since he bought it from my brother.

I'm almost done with the booties to go with the Pumpkin hats I've been working on. I will post a pic of my pumpkin patch when completed.

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