Friday, July 27, 2007

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged for the first time! Melanie tagged me and now I have to turn around and tag 6 people. I also have to tell 6 weird things about me. Ok here goes. This is hard... I don't think I'm that weird altho my DH could probably answer this with out a

1. I eat potato chips with ketchup. I don't think this is weird but my entire family does. To me it is like having ketchup with french fries.

2. I'm a shoe collector. I like buying shoes - you are rarely too fat to fit in your shoes :)

3. I also collect snowmen. I would leave them up year round but family thinks the end of January is long enough.

4. I can't drink milk with pizza. My DH drinks milk with every meal. Milk and pizza just don't mix for me.

5. For a knitter I don't have a huge stash. I try to buy the yarn I need for a specfic project and use it up. My stash in recent months has grown a bit.

6. I have no LYS but hope to someday change that by opening my own shop. We all gotta dream right?!?

Ok. If I tagged you then you need to list 6 weird things about yourself then tag 6 different people you know or blogs you read :) Good luck and have fun. This was alot of fun.

My choices are:
1. Pennie @ Extreme Yarn
2.Tracy @ Wool Windings
3. Lana @ Knit and Pray
4. Libby @Knit Tidbits
5. Natasha @ Gritty Knits
6. Cat @ Cat's Crafty Corner

You're it ladies..... have fun.


Lana said...

Hi Suzy! I don't think you are weird for liking ketchup on your chips! I already posted a six weird things about me on my January 28, 2007 post if you'd like to take a look. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great weekend:~D

Anonymous said...

How about you move NW just a bit and we'll open a yarn shop together? Or, better yet, we'll all move to a nice warm spot and open one there! OK?! Good!

suzyknits said...

Sounds good how far NW do I have to move??

suzyknits said...

I think you meant NE :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I sure did mean NE!!! I knew that right after I sent it, but left it alone anyway...hoo boy.