Thursday, July 19, 2007

Some other things I've finished this summer.

I have been working on squares for Camp Square Crew but I've also finished some things for the Preemie Project also.

Thanks to Jan in Michigan for posting this photo on the Michigan website so I could save it to put on here. I forgot to take a photo -thought of it after I mailed it. Sorry blond moment. I made one of the pink hats on our trip. Need to break up what I'm working on - I get bored way too easy.

The next thing on my needles is going to be a feather and fan baby blanket for my husbands step daughter who is expecting in October. Figured I better get it going now so it's finished. You never now when babies decide to arrive so earlier is a good thing. Plus by the time she is due Christmas is right around the corner, and I will be up to my eyeballs in projects like I am every year.

DH is home this afternoon. Told me he is cleaning and doing laundry. It's amazing how fast I got used to him taking care of that stuff. Now that his business is getting busier by the day, I'm alot more appreciative of him taking care of that stuff. I promised the family favorite dinner tonight in exchange for the hard work. Part of the madman cleaning is an appointment right when I get home from work. Counselor is coming to the house regarding SS1. Having teenagers is always exciting. Never dull. We only have him in the house for another 2 years then lil dude is the only one. The house will be so quiet. It will be a nice change.. altho..having had been close to an empty nester at one point it is very strange at first. Kinda like going home to mom & dads. Not quite what it was like when I lived at home.. back then it was crazy ( I'm the oldest of 4) Now it's only crazy when we all come over at once.. but now we bring spouses and children so it's even crazier!! My coworker is one of 9 I can't imagine the insanity of the holidays at her parents house. Especially because it is a SMALL 3 BR house.

My garden is doing fabulous. The rain in the last couple of days has probably made the tomato plants shoot up even more. I will have to check tonight after the meeting. We are starting to collect tomatos. Peppers are still off in the distant future but they are flowering and budding like crazy. We certainly picked the right spot this year!


Lil Knitter said...'ve been tagged! Check out my blog for the rules. And I love that blanket, so pretty!

Tracy Batchelder said...


Thanks for the tag, but I hope you don't mind if I don't play. I'm glad you left a comment on my blog though, because somehow I missed that you had a blog. I enjoy reading the blogs of TPP volunteers, but I guess I haven't been keeping up very well. I love the hats and blanket. So sweet!
